in new network on 15 June, according to Russia's new network reported, 15, the Russian Embassy in Ukraine before the protests ended. According to reports, demonstrations, some people to the embassy building with explosives, the Russian flag is off. Russia strongly condemned the matter, calling on Ukraine to ensure the safety of the Russian embassy.
said: "only 10 young people left near the Russian Embassy, other protesters have left".
14dozens of people began to gather demonstrated in front of the Russian Embassy in Ukraine, with automobile tire exports blocked the embassy. Later, a crowd of demonstrators threw an egg to the embassy, the embassy vehicle tires will also stop near the Norte leak. The demonstrators also the Russian flag off, and open the rectangular stones at the door, and the overthrow of the vehicle. The building was the crowd throwing smoke bombs and explosives, almost all the windows were shattered the glass.
, according to media reports, the Ukraine law enforcement authorities and did not obstruct the demonstrators attacked the Russian embassy. The Russian Foreign Ministry for provocation demonstrators fascist said very angry, and asked Ukraine to take all necessary measures to guarantee the safety of the Russian embassy. The Russian Foreign Ministry said, Ukraine authorities did not take measures to protect the Russian Embassy, Moscow believes that this is a serious violation of international obligations.
in addition, earlier news said, the western Cheap Johnny Manziel jerseys countries in the UN Security Council rejected Russia condemned the Russian Embassy in Kiev attack suggestions.
, the Russian State Duma chairman of the Education Committee Nikonov think, the western countries ban Russia condemned the Russian Embassy in the Ukraine attacks, the Kiev authorities to get the sword can do as one pleases.
Nikonov said: "this to prove a point, now the Kiev authorities can do as one pleases. I can imagine, if any western country embassy was attacked, such things happen in any country, Russia will be condemned, because some diplomatic practice even during the wars and do not break."
, the Russian State Duma chairman of the International Affairs Committee Pooth Kopf think, attacked the Russian Embassy in Ukraine is not a spontaneous behavior, but the pre planned.
Pooth Kopf in a twitter Post said: "the Russian ambassador to the Embassy Attack, of course is organized. Where otherwise the demonstrators to explosives?! This is not spontaneous, but pre planned action".
the OSCE said in a statement, after the Russian Embassy in Kiev has occurred, the Swiss Foreign Minister and the OSCE chairman Didier · Boolean grams Haarde special appeal, the Ukraine authorities shall guarantee that all foreign embassy security.
The Booleangrams, Russian ambassador to the embassy to feel worried, and called on Ukraine authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of all foreign embassies.