
teachers in violation of the &quot

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[global network comprehensive report] according to South Korea, "Central Daily News" in May 15th, 43 South Korean teachers recently real cheap national team soccer jerseys name in Chong Wa Dae's official website message board published an article entitled "on abandoned students and national park down the government's declaration of teachers" post. The South Korean President Park office. In this regard, the South Korean Ministry of Education said, teachers in violation of the "civil servant" method, and instructed the Department of Education found around the teacher status as soon as possible.

it is reported, this post by Li Minshu (sound). The article says, "in the cheapjerseys.us national disaster, should make concerted efforts to overcome all over China, park Geun hye, but government consistent 'military dictatorship' policy is reminiscent of the government control of the media, to fool the people. Park Geun hye regime under the control of the public opinion completely reduced to a spokesman for the government, the national free speech rights are violated". cheap jerseys us

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the article was published has aroused a great disturbance, click a quantity to soar. In this regard, the South Korean Ministry of Education issued instructions, request the municipalities, Provincial Education Office investigation of the incident, and resolutely take judicial proceedings related cheap club soccer jerseys to severely punish. Officials of the Ministry of Education said, in June 4th local elections approaching, the teacher should maintain political neutrality, but they launched a political campaign. The teacher published political bias to the contents of the article acts have violated the "national civil service law" sixty-fifth and 66. (Intern compilation: Li Tingting review: Li Xiaofei)

